Last May, my beautiful friend Jen shared the story of how her son Finlay died suddenly from Meningitis. Since then, Jen (and a team of supporters) have worked to found Finlay’s Friends in memory of the kindest he always showed to others. They aim to support other families who experience similar situations to Finlay’s family, by providing support when it is needed most.

You never can prepare to be in a situation like that, so Finlay’s Friends provides Comfort Kits to families of seriously ill children admitted to hospital in an emergency. As well as additional support including useful information for the hospital stay, emotional support contacts, resources for the hospital family rooms and more.

If you’ve got time, I’d encourage you to read Jen’s post on whether suffering can ever make you stronger or to check out the Finlay’s Friends website.

But with emotional support in mind, we thought we’d share just 10 every day self-care tips that each of us can to prepare ourselves for whatever life may throw at us:


Make sure you eat and drink plenty. It sounds so simple yet easy to forget. Prioritise yourself by having healthy and nourishing food – and lots of water! – Nadia


Shower and do your hair, even if you’re not going out. It can make you feel more human and doesn’t take long! Kim


Drinking plenty of water – or green/peppermint tea when I’m cold. Hydration is key to good energy levels, a switched on brain and keeping a grounded appetite!  – Jasmine


Try to unwind each night by doing something for you. Like read for an hour a night – it’s my New Year’s Resolution – Jenna


Taking a couple of minutes to breathe. For me personally it’s yoga every morning that can be 5 minutes, 20 mins or an hour. – Caroline


Have your hair cut regularly. Nice hair makes your feel much more like going out and about. – Victoria


Having bath is major every day self care! Or a luxurious hot shower! And a podcast/audio book to listen to, with some candles… maybe a glass of wine if you’re really going to go all out! – Alison


Mine would be everyday listen to one of your favourite songs at top volume and sign and dance to it like no one is watching. Music is a brilliant way to change how you’re feeling and can quickly improve any day. And brilliant at cutting through the noise of small children too. It can make you feel great in a matter of minutes. – Tricia


A good tip I was given is no matter how hectic things get, always take time to be present with those you love – you will never regret the time you spend with them as life unfolds. – Jen


Finally – one from me – don’t fall asleep in your contact lenses (always a mistake), take your make up off and moisturise! You’ll thank yourself for it in the morning! – Laura

P.S. Thanks to Alison, as always, for the illustrations!


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